
Who is drosspoet?

Dross: Something that has no use or value.
Poet: One who writes poetry.
drosspoet:  One who writes poetry that has no use or value.

If you are looking for a place of understanding, this probably isn’t it. Tomorrow is going to change the meaning of what I wrote today and yesterday. I do not apologize for this; as this is how life works. We, as people, evolve. Therefore, our thoughts and meanings evolve as well. What may be true today might change tomorrow given different experiences. Here is where I place my understanding of the day and hope you will find a fraction for yourself.

I hope you will find this little spot in the massive universe that is the internet a place of introspection and a community of questions regarding the time allotted you in this realm of existence. This is the spot that is the deciphering point of drosspoets’ world; the place where he spills it all and gives nothing. I give it all and nothing as there is nothing that I can give that has not been gifted before by someone else in the past (or maybe the present). I simply put my individual wrapping on the gift of explaining my experience.

Here you will not find the politics of the day (unless hidden in hint and innuendo). You will not find a solicitor of faith or denomination; although I may speak of my own at times. This is not a place where I try to sell or purchase belief of any kind as I find all the world intriguing if not at least valuable to some degree. Here it is that you will find my vision of my world and myself as I am wandering through it.

This is the asylum that is the mind of drosspoet. Whether agreed with, understood, or apprehensively forced to read and witness what transpires within; it is the hope that it can be a dwelling place of the commiserate, hopeful, or searching soul. However, as most asylums, I can be a dark place nonetheless. So, if you choose to stay a while to peruse the place of the poet, please, bring your own light along with you. For your time here may lighten the world for another. Have fun.


Welcome to the asylum.

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drosspoet is a Trademark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.