Just a Brush Stroke

What happens when you look toward tomorrow? What happens to the plans we make for it? As soon as we make our preparations the universe starts making its changes. Whatever we devise to be is slated for revision before the first of implementation. Where we think we have control is simply a farce we play for ourselves. Even as our intentions might be good the sway of the pendulum is subjected to gravities that are beyond our grasp and power. Our decisions may be ours, yet the outcome is governed by agents of chaos that are universal laws. We have no more direction than a fly in a tempest.

Our only hope is that the storms of life are to our advantage. We can strive for purchase and foundation, yet it is only an attempt. Fighting against the current might get you there just as swimming along with it might. I think it’s best if we simply concentrate on staying afloat to avoid drowning in the madness of it all. Concocting our little schemes or laying out a defined course only works as far as fate, or luck will provide. I am not saying to never prepare for the day, only to be prepared for the possibility that a grain of sand may find a place within the cog of your design.

Still, trek as we will with our packs full of wishes and expectations toward the journey. Perhaps our best recourse is to plan with contingency in mind. Maybe then the ride will become more adventurous instead of annoyance. It’s only all an idea until we’ve reached a destination. Eventually, we will end up exactly where we were supposed to be. It might not be where we wanted to be. However, the universe has a silly way of placing everything according to its order. We, as humans, seem to be the ones who are mucking up the grand design by splashing our paint onto the canvas.