Just a Brush Stroke

What happens when you look toward tomorrow? What happens to the plans we make for it? As soon as we make our preparations the universe starts making its changes. Whatever…

Living in the World of Nod

Could you imagine a world without borders, no distance between us? Could you imagine a means of reaching out, communicating, that did not involve an electronic device? There was a…

The Future Burns Bright

You can be offended; it’s your right. You can tell people what they should say and what they should believe in. You can even lead them down a path that…

Simply Reflection

For the most part, I do not like to throw my political views out for the world to dissect. There is enough of my opinion in other areas to scrutinize….

So Far, Survived

So far, I get to say that I have survived the pandemic and protests that we have faced this year. I am hoping that these events will teach us something…